July 02, 2014

Forming the Parapet Wall Top-Cap

After the pour of the concrete top-cap, the inner forms were removed and a final layer of cob (clay/straw) was applied to the earthen roof to establish a contour to ensure rainwater would be directed to the drain.


A hang-over "Lip" was established for the top-cap on the parapet wall during setting-up of the forms by placing strips of 3/4" foam-board on either side of the wall. 

The photo below shows the strips of flexible Masonite board 2" over the top of the parapet wall forming the top-cap.  The Masonite is holding the foam-board in place and itself if fastened by 4"-deck screws that secure into the cob wall - solid.

The photo below shows the completed form all-around including reinforement bar.

Below, a close-up of the south side of the north wall where the thickness has increased to 4" thus transitioning to a bond beam for large main room of the studio.

The south side of the north wall all has metal straps that will be used to secure the vigas (beams) that will eventually support the roof of the main room.

View of the north side wall of the north room.  The use of the Masonite to create curved forms was a real innovation for this curvey structure when pouring bond beams and top-caps.

1 comment:

EW said...

Bart! Thank you for sharing your innovative idea of using masonite to create the curvy beams.

I used this same idea to pour my closing beam at home!!