June 10, 2020

Preparing Beam Ends for Moisture and Insects

The ends of the Ponderosa Pine vigas (beams) rest on the concrete bond beam that was poured on top of the cob wall (see earlier posts).  The stray/clay (cob) mix will continue another 12" in height up from the bond beam to the height of the roof deck.

In order to protect thus preserve the beams for the life of the building, the beams need to be protected from moisture and wood boring insects.  An inexpensive method to protect the ends of the beams is to use 'asphalt emulsion'.  Asphalt emulsion is essentially a petroleum-based tar with a consistency of a thick paint.   This product can be purchased at a building or masonry supply store.

The photos here show the coating applied. I used a paint brush to apply and the emulsion  dried fairly rapidly.  


Notice the large-head nails extending at the ends of each viga.  The purpose if to help secure the cob against the beam when the cob is applied onto the top of the bond beam. 

The construction of the roof system above the large room is far from over.  More posts to follow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Hope you and Peggy are doing well in these crazy times! Doesnt look like I will be able to head south again anytime soon. The studio is looking great! How about some aerial footage or pics from a drone. Would love to see the place and the surrounding area in some wide area images. gbhanlon@telusplanet.net

Take Care Keep Well

gary and sue